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Tekkers Academy Mission Statement

To provide sports training for children aged 18months – 18 years and adults regardless of ability, background, religion or gender.

The academy’s programme for learning is naturally centred on sports activities, yet we consider that we offer many other aspects which are important for a young person to develop as an individual in society.

We are committed to ensuring that all young players associated with Tekkers acquire good values and standards which will sustain them throughout their lives, irrespective of their ultimate achievements as sports players.

We consider that a central feature of our role as coaches is to ensure that all players acquire the value of confidence , self-esteem, respect for others, loyalty, self- discipline and commitment to the cause.

A person associated with Tekkers Academy is engaged to learn and develop.

Each person will be embraced by a culture of learning. Our aim is that all players are happy, content, enthusiastic and dedicated.

Tekkers Academy provides a welcoming environment, which is professionally structured to offer the opportunity for players to thrive and gain success.

No one can reliably predict the future of any young player, but we hope that when a player leaves Tekkers, at whatever age, he/she will be able to reflect on their association with us as being positive, worthwhile and fruitful… ultimately they will always be a part of the Tekkers Family